70cm Echolink repeater

Frequency: TX: 438,1000 MHz RX: 437,5000 MHz
QTH: Rivne
QTH locator: KO30DP
Location: 50.636326 N, 26.281944 E
Distance and bearing: You didn't set Your QTH on the map
click here to set it now
Altitude over sea level: unknown
Altitude over ground level: unknown
Activation: ACT_CTCSS (88.5 Hz)
Transmitter power: 10.0 W
Echolink node id: 386329
Keepers: UR5KSH
Web page: none
Remarks: Raspberry Pi 3 with SvxLink software
Updated: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 11:50 AM

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